Starting from the beginning, I’m in my late 20s, and have been playing D&D since the mid-1990s, starting with AD&D2. I wholeheartedly embraced 3rd edition when it came out, and 3.5, though in recent years I’ve grown to dislike the clunkiness of that system that stems from its fundamental design. From there I branched out to things like Dungeon World, Apocalypse World, and other PbtA games, Torchbearer, Retroclones (mostly Swords and Wizardry), and experimented with D&D5.

Lately my tinkering nature has found its natural home following the style of TSR D&D, as those systems have an enormous amount of flexibility in terms of allowing a character from one tinkered variety of a system to mesh seamlessly into another and even advance according to its rules. If I were to play favorites, that’s where I’d say I am, although 3e-era systems (3.0, 3.5, Pathfinder, and smaller spinoffs) have a special place in my heart as well.

You can call me Ten, or Leagues, or whatever. She/her is preferred; they/them or ey/em are also acceptable.

My tumblr is much more fast-paced than my long-form blog here and often gets my thoughts in inchoate form, some of which get taken here to be turned into full-length posts.